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Cemetery of Futa

Dedicated to the fallen of World War II

This war cemetery, located between Romagna and Tuscany, is located along the road that leads to the Futa pass. To build the cemetery, which houses more than 30,000 soldiers fallen during the Second World War, the architect Oesterlen availed himself of the help of landscape artists Walter Rossow and Helmut Bournot.

The work was created using large quantities of pietra serena, extracted from the quarries surrounding Firenzuola and worked by local artisans. For the pleasantness with which the cemetery has been inserted in the territory, it can be defined a real landscape architecture.

The masonry work, as a whole, shows a definite architectural character: on the grassy terraces are laid the stone gravestones ordered, but also varied by the inclusion of blocks of greater height. Lithic crosses are set in the retaining walls.


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