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There are several festivals and expressions that animate the life of “Romagna Toscana” from March to December.

One of the main is the Festa del Falò, with ancient origin and famous throughout Italy. The event takes place in April, in Rocca San Casciano, and sees the competition between the different districts of the town: in the evening are lit giant bonfires, one for each part in the race, surrounded by an impressive fireworks display. The “rivalries” then continue with the parades of allegorical floats, to end with dances in the square until late at night.

In Tredozio, at Easter and Easter Monday, the Sagra and Palio dell’Uovo is held, a tradition that began in 1964 to commemorate the ancient custom of beating hard-boiled eggs. For the Palio the 4 districts of the country challenge each other, arriving at the competition field on allegorical floats, accompanied by a historical parade.
Also in the Easter period, the festival of the “Madonna dei Fiori” takes place in Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole. The event dates back to 1662, when the inhabitants of Castrocaro vowed to celebrate the Virgin every year, which had safeguarded the country from the passage of the plague.

Another tradition with a religious theme is the town of Sarsina, which every year becomes a destination for thousands of pilgrims, who go to the Basilica di San Vicinio, to receive the traditional blessing with the “chain” of the Holy Thaumaturge.


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